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1 (804) 438-6230
PO Box 174, Irvington, VA 22480

Application is hereby made for a Zoning Permit in accordance with the description and for the purpose hereinafter set forth. This application is made subject to all local and state laws and ordinances with which applicant agrees to comply, and which shall be deemed a condition unto the exercise of this permit.  Application must be made in duplicate with two (2) copies of drawing; showing lot size and location of structure with side yards, and front and rear setbacks.

This permit must be issued before starting construction and is invalid if a building permit is not obtained from Lancaster County and construction is not started within two (2) years of issuance of this permit.

Applicant Name
You will receive a confirmation and copy of this form after submitting.
Property Location
Are you the Property Owner?
Example: Addition will be behind the detached garage, between the pool and fence.
Site Location
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 6 files.
Example: Route 200
Example: The Lane

I, or, we, hereby covenant to restore any and all damages to sidewalks, streets, alleys, sewers, gas mains, water mains, electric installation and adjoining property which may result. I hereby certify I have the authority to make the foregoing application, that the information given is correct and that the construction will conform with the regulations in the Virginia Building Code, Zoning Ordinances, and private building restrictions if any, which may by imposed upon he above property by deed.

Agreement Confirmation
No Online Payment
You will receive a confirmation and copy of the submitted form at the email address entered above.