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1 (804) 438-6230
PO Box 174, Irvington, VA 22480

§75.15. GOLF CARTS PERMITTED Pursuant to §46.2-916.3 of the Code of Virginia as amended (the Code), it shall be lawful for any licensed driver to operate a golf cart as defined in Section 46.2-100 of the Code within the corporate limits of the Town or Irvington (Town) on roads designated for such use pursuant to Section 46.2-916.2. Operation of Golf Carts shall be subject to the limitations as set forth in Section 46.2-916.3 of the Code as amended, and Irvington Code of Ordinances Sections 75.15 through 75.21:

1. Operation of a golf cart shall be subject to all traffic laws and ordinances;

2. Operators of a golf cart shall have in their possession a valid and current driver’s license;

3. Operation of a golf cart is allowed only on streets so designated by the Town Council of which the posted speed limit is 25 mph or less;

4. Every golf cart, when operated on a designated highway, shall display a slow moving vehicle emblem in conformity with the Code §46.2-1081;

5. Golf Carts shall be operated upon the designated public highways only between sunrise and sunset, unless equipped with such lights as are required in Article 3 (Section 46.2-1010 et seq.) of Chapter 10 of the Code; and

6. Only the number of occupants for which the golf cart is designated may travel on any golf cart and no person may ride on a golf cart in an area not designated for passengers.

All golf carts operated within the Town shall be registered with the Town prior to such use. Proof of insurance liability coverage will be required prior to an annual registration fee of $25.00 per calendar year, for each golf cart registered for personal use. Registration decal shall be displayed on the driver’s side cowl. 

The Town of Irvington has no liability under any theory of liability and the Town assumes no liability for permitting golf carts and/or utility vehicles to be operated on public streets and roads under the special legislation granted by the Virginia General Assembly. (Nov. 2008)

Annual Golf Cart Registration Form

Golf carts are allowed on streets with a 25 mph speed limit to include King Carter Drive, Steamboat Road, and Chesapeake Drive. Golf carts are not allowed on Irvington Road (State Rt 200) due to heavier traffic per the Virginia Department of Transportation. Operators must have a valid driver’s license in their possession.

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Is A Slow Moving Vehicle Emblem attached to Golf Cart?

I have reviewed the Town of Irvington’s Annual Golf Cart Registration requirements outlined in §46.2-916.1 through §46.2-916.3 of the Code of Virginia and Irvington Town Ordinance Section 75.15 and agree to abide by these regulations. I hereby apply for registration of the above referenced golf cart and certify that all information provided is correct at the time of registration. I further agree to provide to the Town of Irvington any change in the required information within 10 days of its occurrence. I acknowledge this registration is valid for the current calendar year.

Agreement Certification
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